Our Story
Little could I imagine that when I purchased Home and Garden Classics 24 years ago, we would evolve to where we are today. Starting as a small (very) kitchen shop, we have grown to include 3 other divisions! The kitchen shop was to be a small diversion after leaving my nursing career. After my first trip to Market – I wanted everything!
2001 brought so many changes, we had just purchased White Rabbit, a staple of interiors and accessories in Spartanburg and moved to a significantly larger shop. Several years later we purchased our own building and continued to grow. We had always had cooking classes in our store kitchen but in 2009 Sugahcakes was born. Starting with packaged cake mixes, we soon grew into Spartanburg’s first
2020 Saw another big change! Sugahcakes is now a full bakery with their own adorable space. Home and Garden has new “digs” too. Through all these years, we are proud to have served our community for all their interior and gift giving needs. Our store has given dozens and dozens of teenagers their first jobs, many staying all the way through college. The staff at Home and Garden/White Rabbit has been the most loyal ever – and have been here since the beginning!